Frequently Asked Questions

Why use our stringing machine?

Step into a realm of unparalleled precision and craftsmanship with our cutting-edge equipment at Racket String Solutions. We proudly utilize the Yonex Precision 9.0 stringing machine, made in Japan, the Pacific stringing machine, meticulously crafted in Germany, and the Whipper stringing machine, a testament to precision engineering from Taiwan. This dynamic trio forms the backbone of our commitment to delivering the utmost support and accuracy in tension during the racket stringing process.

Our stringing machines boast a state-of-the-art 6-point mounting system, surpassing devices with 2 or 4 points. While the latter may suffice for clamping, they often fall short in stability, risking inaccuracies in tension and potential deformation of the racket shape. Our 6-point mounting system, however, ensures unparalleled stability, safeguarding against any compromise in precision.

Experience the pinnacle of stringing technology with our electronic stringing machine, renowned for its constant pulling system. Unlike traditional methods where string material may yield after tensioning, our machine maintains a constant force, preventing any loss of tension. This meticulous approach guarantees that your racket receives the attention it deserves, ensuring not just accuracy but a lasting impact on your game.

At Racket String Solutions, we go beyond the ordinary, investing in technology that elevates your sporting experience. Precision, stability, and accuracy converge seamlessly to redefine your expectations of racket stringing.

Welcome to a world where every detail matters, and your game reaps the benefits.       

How often should I restring my racket?

Unlock the perfect rhythm for maintaining peak performance on the court with our expert advice on racket restringing frequency. For those seeking a straightforward guideline, consider doubling the number of times you play per week to estimate how frequently you should treat your racket to a restringing session throughout the year.

In an ideal scenario, recalibrate your expectations to relish the sensation of fresh strings every two months. This ensures that your equipment remains in optimal condition, providing you with the tactile responsiveness and consistency needed for an elevated playing experience. Embrace the proactive approach to string maintenance, where precision meets playability, and your game is always in tune. Welcome to a world where every swing is a testament to the dedication you invest in your craft.       

How long does it take to get a racket restrung?

On average a racket will take 1 hour to restring. The duration of restring your racket will also depend on the number of rackets we have to string for the day. We also clean and wipe down the racket, removing dust and markings.

What tension should I put for my racket?

Unleash the perfect balance of power and control with our customized stringing services. Lower tension, synonymous with looser strings, amplifies your power on the court, while higher tension, signifying tighter strings, grants you unmatched control over every stroke.

Experience the game on your terms – reach out to us for further insights and personalized recommendations. Elevate your play, strike the ideal balance, and redefine your on-court prowess. Your journey to optimized performance starts with a simple connection. Contact us today for a deeper dive into the dynamic world of string tension mastery.

Is our delivery service island-wide?

Yes, our delivery service is island-wide. Regular pick up & drop-off (3-5 days) is $8, and express pick up & drop-off (1 day) is $20. Submit your restring request here.

Does the prices include stringing service?

All the prices quoted for your strings are inclusive of the stringing service.